A Review on Bulimia Nervosa and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Case Report

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Bulimia Nervosa, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Eating Disorder


Eating disorders are a group of disorders that affect people both psychologically and physically. The subspecies are; It is classified as anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), binge eating disorder (BED), pica, withdrawal disorder and restricted food intake disorder. Bulimia nervosa; It is a subtype of eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating and loss of sense of control, as well as compensatory behaviors after eating due to fear of gaining weight. When we look at the prevalence of bulimia nervosa, it is known that it is more common especially in young women. It is known that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which argues that one's thoughts cause behaviors, is effective in its treatment, as well as many treatment approaches. In this case study, the treatment process with cognitive behavioral therapy techniques applied to a 22-year-old female client with bulimia nervosa symptoms was explained. A cognitive-behavioral treatment plan lasting 13 sessions was applied to the client, who stated that she started a restrictive diet with weight gain while she was preparing for university, and as a result, she experienced binge eating attacks and tended to compensatory behaviors. It is aimed to regulate the deteriorated eating behavior of the client and to change their dysfunctional thoughts.


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How to Cite

ÜNAL, S. (2023). A Review on Bulimia Nervosa and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Case Report. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(24), 279–290. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8077925


