The Relatıonshıp Between Emotıonal Eatıng Behavıor In Adults And Sense Of Belongıng, Socıal Approval Needs, And Perceıved Parental Rejectıon

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Emotional Eating, Sense of Belonging, Social Approval, Parental Rejection/Acceptance


Eating disorders are serious psychiatric illnesses that place a significant burden on patients and their families. Emotional eating behavior is known to be one of the risk factors for the development of eating disorders. In this context, the aim of this study is to examine the relationship between emotional eating behavior, general sense of belonging, social approval need, and perceived parental rejection/acceptance in adults, and to reveal the possible relationships between emotional eating variables and socio-demographic data. The universe of the study consists of adults living in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and the sample of the study consists of 392 individuals selected from this universe in the age range of 18-64. Participants were selected for the study using convenience sampling. "Sociodemographic Information Form," "Turkish Emotional Eating Scale," "General Belonging Scale," "Social Approval Need Scale," and "Adult Parental Acceptance-Rejection Scale – Short Form" were used as data collection tools. According to the findings of the study, women show more emotional eating tendency than men when they are stressed. The emotional eating scores of participants aged 45 and over were significantly lower than those of other age groups. When evaluated according to BMI, the emotional eating scores of underweight participants were found to be lower than those of overweight individuals. Those diagnosed with psychological disorders have a higher tendency to eat in response to negative emotions compared to those without such tendencies. There were low or moderate level positive or negative relationships between emotional eating behavior and general sense of belonging, social approval need, and parental acceptance/rejection scores. In line with these findings, since emotional eating is associated with numerous factors and variables, it should be studied academically and in clinical settings, and coping strategies should be added to the education curriculum.


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How to Cite

GÜÇLÜ, E., & BURAN, A. (2023). The Relatıonshıp Between Emotıonal Eatıng Behavıor In Adults And Sense Of Belongıng, Socıal Approval Needs, And Perceıved Parental Rejectıon. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(24), 177–201.


