Self-Regulation Skills İn Preschool Children: Impact Of The Inner Motivation Supporting Education Program

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Preschool, Motivation, Inner Motivation, Self-Regulation


This study was planned to examine the impact of The Inner Motivation Supporting Education Program on self-regulation skills of preschool children. The sample of the study was chosen using the simple random sampling method and comprised of 22 children aged 48 to 72 months (11 control group and 11 experimental group) who attended nursery classes of elementary schools in affiliation with the Ministry of Education in the city center of Erzurum. The study was conducted in a mixed design which combines qualitative and quantitative data. In the quantitative section of the study, a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest control group was used. In the qualitative section, case study was used. In the study, the Self-Regulation Skills Scale (Teacher Form), the Preschool Self-Regulation Scale (Child Form) and the Teacher Interview Form were used as data collection tools. The program was originally prepared by the researchers. When preparing the program, the researchers were inspired by the philosophy of preschool program approaches like Montessori, High Scope and Waldorf supporting inner motivation, as well as the views of motivation theoreticians on inner motivation. The program includes themes such as Attention and Problem Solving, Self-Perception and Correlation, Independence and Self-Discipline and Emotion Regulation, which are considered to be significant in supporting motivation. A total of 24 activity plans were prepared in such a way that each would include three integrated activities and the program was ready to be applied. The Inner Motivation Supporting Education Program was applied to the experimental group five days a week for five weeks. No application was performed in the control group, except the daily program of the teacher.

In the quantitative section of the study, it was found that the Inner Motivation Supporting Education Program which was applied in the experimental group made a significant contribution to self-regulation skills of the children. In the qualitative section of the study, the experimental group teacher stated during the interview that the activities, methods and technics used in the program made significant contributions to emotion regulation skills, problem solving skills, social emotional development, effective communication skills and self-regulation skills of the preschool children. The study made a significant contribution to the literature in terms of offering an alternative to social emotional based programs which play a privileged role in creating positive educational environments.


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How to Cite

KÖYCEĞİZ GÖZELER, M., & ÖZBEY, S. (2023). Self-Regulation Skills İn Preschool Children: Impact Of The Inner Motivation Supporting Education Program. PEARSON JOURNAL, 8(24), 202–228.


